Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Wizard is Dead. Long Live the Wizard.

We here at DHB enjoy occasionally partaking in some disc golf.  One of the best local spots is Stafford Lake.  It's a fairly energetic hike, peaceful, sunny and a welcome getaway from the city.  We suck at actually playing, but it's enjoyable.

The first time I was interested in playing disc golf, I had no idea where to get the discs so I resorted to the interwebs.  With zero knowledge, I went with a driver (Wildcat) and a putter (Wizard) based solely on the graphics.  Pretty scientific.  Well many discs have come and gone but the Wildcat and Wizard have somehow managed to escape nature's clutches.  That is until today.

The Wizard has been quite a reliable putter and has been like a severely abused and ignored family member.  Today he decided to move on.  On an approach shot facing the edge of the lake, he decided to see what this God thing is all about.  As soon as it was out of my hand, things felt very strange.  The disc is designed for short flights, but on this occasion it took off like a rabid duck straight towards the water.  No amount of 'roid rage could have empowered me to throw the disc with this level of venom.  The Wizard took the Salem Witch Trials way out and will be missed.  The rescue was called off after about 1 minutes.  Perhaps in 500 years when the lake is no more, someone will discover the skeletal remains and their face will melt off.  We can only hope.

Good bye Wizard.  Hope you cut a few strokes off God's disc golf game.